551 research outputs found

    Ready-to-use post-Newtonian gravitational waveforms for binary black holes with non-precessing spins: An update

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    For black-hole binaries whose spins are (anti-) aligned with respect to the orbital angular momentum of the binary, we compute the frequency domain phasing coefficients including the quadratic-in-spin terms up to the third post-Newtonian (3PN) order, the cubic-in-spin terms at the leading order, 3.5PN, and the spin-orbit effects up to the 4PN order. In addition, we obtain the 2PN spin contributions to the amplitude of the frequency-domain gravitational waveforms for non-precessing binaries, using recently derived expressions for the time-domain polarization amplitudes of binaries with generic spins, complete at that accuracy level. These two results are updates to Arun et al. (2009) [1] for amplitude and Wade et al. (2013) [2] for phasing. They should be useful to construct banks of templates that model accurately non-precessing inspiraling binaries, for parameter estimation studies, and or constructing analytical template families that accounts for the inspiral-merger-ringdown phases of the binary.Comment: 8 pages, an additional file (readable in MATHEMATICA) containing all the key results included in the sourc

    WiROS: WiFi sensing toolbox for robotics

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    Many recent works have explored using WiFi-based sensing to improve SLAM, robot manipulation, or exploration. Moreover, widespread availability makes WiFi the most advantageous RF signal to leverage. But WiFi sensors lack an accurate, tractable, and versatile toolbox, which hinders their widespread adoption with robot's sensor stacks. We develop WiROS to address this immediate need, furnishing many WiFi-related measurements as easy-to-consume ROS topics. Specifically, WiROS is a plug-and-play WiFi sensing toolbox providing access to coarse-grained WiFi signal strength (RSSI), fine-grained WiFi channel state information (CSI), and other MAC-layer information (device address, packet id's or frequency-channel information). Additionally, WiROS open-sources state-of-art algorithms to calibrate and process WiFi measurements to furnish accurate bearing information for received WiFi signals. The open-sourced repository is: https://github.com/ucsdwcsng/WiRO

    The current status of plant transformation technologies

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    ViWiD: Leveraging WiFi for Robust and Resource-Efficient SLAM

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    Recent interest towards autonomous navigation and exploration robots for indoor applications has spurred research into indoor Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) robot systems. While most of these SLAM systems use Visual and LiDAR sensors in tandem with an odometry sensor, these odometry sensors drift over time. To combat this drift, Visual SLAM systems deploy compute and memory intensive search algorithms to detect `Loop Closures', which make the trajectory estimate globally consistent. To circumvent these resource (compute and memory) intensive algorithms, we present ViWiD, which integrates WiFi and Visual sensors in a dual-layered system. This dual-layered approach separates the tasks of local and global trajectory estimation making ViWiD resource efficient while achieving on-par or better performance to state-of-the-art Visual SLAM. We demonstrate ViWiD's performance on four datasets, covering over 1500 m of traversed path and show 4.3x and 4x reduction in compute and memory consumption respectively compared to state-of-the-art Visual and Lidar SLAM systems with on par SLAM performance

    XRLoc: Accurate UWB Localization for XR Systems

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    Understanding the location of ultra-wideband (UWB) tag-attached objects and people in the real world is vital to enabling a smooth cyber-physical transition. However, most UWB localization systems today require multiple anchors in the environment, which can be very cumbersome to set up. In this work, we develop XRLoc, providing an accuracy of a few centimeters in many real-world scenarios. This paper will delineate the key ideas which allow us to overcome the fundamental restrictions that plague a single anchor point from localization of a device to within an error of a few centimeters. We deploy a VR chess game using everyday objects as a demo and find that our system achieves 2.42.4 cm median accuracy and 5.35.3 cm 90th90^\mathrm{th} percentile accuracy in dynamic scenarios, performing at least 8×8\times better than state-of-art localization systems. Additionally, we implement a MAC protocol to furnish these locations for over 1010 tags at update rates of 100100 Hz, with a localization latency of 1\sim 1 ms

    Socio-demographic profile of Human Immunodeficiency Virus patients on second line antiretroviral therapy in a tertiary care centre of North-East India

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    Background: HIV/ AIDS is one of the major global health issue, resulting an epidemic. Understanding the socio-demographic profile with magnitude of risky behavior might include positive messages in the routine HIV/AIDS care and treatment. Objective of this study was to find out the socio-demographic, behavioural characteristics among patients receiving second line ART (Anti-Retroviral therapy) in a tertiary centre of North-East India.Methods: A cross sectional study was carried out among 90 PLWHA patients receiving second line ART in Regional Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS), Imphal from March 2016 to August 2017. A predesigned and pretested schedule was used as study tool to collect required information.Results: Majority participants (43.3%) belonged to 30-40 years age group, mean age 39.96±8.021 years; 51.1% were female. Majority (58.9%) got infected with HIV through heterosexual route followed by IV drug use (31.1%). Nearly half (51.1%) were diagnosed with HIV for 11-15 years duration and majority (61.1%) were under 2nd line ART for 6-10 years duration. Here, 3.3% subjects had Hepatitis B and 7.8% were infected with hepatitis C.Conclusions: Young population were most affected group and heterosexual route being the commonest mode of transmission. Combination of socio-demographic, behavioural risk factor and unawareness are responsible for rapid spread of HIV/AIDS. So, people need to be educated for primary and secondary prevention

    Impact of Continuous Commissioning® on the Energy Star® Rating of Hospitals and Office Buildings

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    Re-commissioning, retro-commissioning, Continuous Commissioning® (CC®) are examples of successful systematic processes implemented in buildings to reduce overall building energy consumption, and improve efficiency of systems and their operations and control. The impact of the Continuous Commissioning® Process on the Energy Star® Rating (ESR) of office buildings and hospitals is examined in this thesis. The improvement in performance of a building, and subsequently its ESR, is found to be influenced by its initial ESR, while its location has no impact on improvement. The improvement in ESR is observed to be almost linearly proportional to the percentage of energy saved. For 10% - 20% reductions in energy use typical of the CC® process, the ESR is increased by 10-19 ESR ranks for office buildings and by 13 - 26 ESR ranks for hospitals. The CC® process is found to potentially enable an office building of average initial ESR of 62 and a hospital of average initial ESR of 55, located anywhere in the US, to be eligible to achieve ESR of 75 and consequently the Energy Star recognition. The improvement of ESR is a function of the initial ESR and the building type; hence it is observed to be different for hospitals and office buildings in the study. For hospital and office building models occupying 100,000 ft² of floor area each, a difference of about 30% in the ESR improvement (greater for hospitals) is observed. The energy intensities may be different for buildings with same ESRs that have different location and/or type. An averaged maximum difference of energy intensity of approximately 10% is observed to exist for identical buildings and of the same type but located at different locations. Hospitals are observed to be more than twice as energy intensive as office buildings for the same location and equal ESRs. ESR plotted against % energy savings at site reveals the stepped nature of ESR system. At specific initial ESR and corresponding % savings a reduction of up to approximately 1% for office buildings and up to 1.5% for hospitals does not change the respective ESRs for the model set of buildings in the study